Round 1 Survey Winner Announcement
Thank you for taking the Health Needs survey! We're excited to let you know that you were one of the winners of our prize giveaway. Below, you'll find a list of winners with your first name, last initial, the first three digits of your phone number, and part of your email. If you see your name, please fill out the Prize Claim Form at the bottom of the page, and a HealthyMKE team member will contact you to arrange the delivery of your prize. Congratulations!
Prize Winners
Jillesa R. | (414) 364-**** | Jillesa***
Charlene K. | (414) 574-**** | kujfam***
Thomas R. | (414) 426-**** | tomir***
Shanise W. | (414) 388-**** | shanisemw***
Joe H. | (414) 249-**** | mus***
Charlotte S. | (414) 861-**** | cha***
Matthew S. | (917) 561-**** | mat***
Susan D. | (262) 629-**** | mic***
Jessica B. | (414) 429-**** | bru***
Sue S. | (414) 467-**** | soo***
Janice G. | (414) 305-**** | jan***
Audrey H. | (262) 707-**** | aud***
Diane L. | (414) 430-**** | pin***
Julia X. | (414) 791-**** | jzo***
Deanna M. | (414) 243-**** | djm***
Rachel M. | (414) 807-**** | rl_***
Michelle G. | (414) 651-**** | mic***
Isamarie S. | (414) 797-**** | isa***
Lindsay F. | (608) 843-**** | lin***
Kristine B. | (262) 501-**** | kri***
Becky R. | (708) 250-**** | bec***
Maribel C. | (414) 708-**** | mar***
Cecelia D. | (414) 573-**** | cei***
Helen B. | (920) 420-**** | hel***
Chris K. | (414) 795-**** | kea***
Nouri M. | (414) 930-**** | nou***
Diamond W. | (414) 813-**** | dia***
Magdalene W. | (281) 780-**** | wil***
Aileen M. | (630) 546-**** | ail***
Milton L. | (414) 397-**** | loy***@gmail